
Pokedex is a fully responsive single-page app that allows users to search for pokemon in the entire pokemon directory. Users can filter their search by pokemon type as well. This project is built using Next.js, Axios, PokeAPI and Tailwind CSS.

API logo

Snazzy Snacks

A full-stack React app that offers monthly subscriptions of randomized snack selections based on three tiers. This project was built in a team environment for the final project at Lighthouse Labs. This project is built with React, React-Router-Dom, Axios, SweetAlert2, SCSS, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Stripe, Bcrypt and designed with Figma.

PostgreSQL logo Stripe logo

Interview Scheduler

A single-page app that allows users to book interviews. It makes requests to an provided API with Axios to fetch and store appointment data from a database. This project is built with React.js, Axios, SCSS and tested using Storybook, Jest and Cypress.

API logo

Resource Wall

A full-stack app built in a team environment for the Lighthouse Labs midterm project. This app allow learners to save learning resources in a central place that is publicly available to any user. This project is designed with Figma and built with HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Node.js, Express and PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL logo


A simple, single-page Twitter clone. A particular attention was put on the UI of this web page. This project was built upon a provided server-side starter code with the goal of implementing client-side functionality. This project is built using jQuery, JS, AJAX, HTML, CSS, Node, Express and is responsive across desktop and mobile platforms.

Weather project

This interactive weather app provides weather conditions, relative temperatures (high/low), humidity, wind speed and current time. The app shows relevant data depending on your location.

This project uses two APIs, one for current weather conditions and a separate API for the five day forecast. It is built using React.

API logo

Portfolio project

My first fully responsive web page designed with Figma and built using Bootstrap. This site is accessible on desktop and mobile viewports.

Bubble tea project

A landing page built with basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript.